symmetric circuits

Lower Bounds for Symmetric Circuits for the Determinant

Dawar and Wilsenach (ICALP 2020) introduce the model of symmetric arithmetic circuits and show an exponential separation between the sizes of symmetric circuits for computing the determinant and the permanent. The symmetry restriction is that the …

Symmetric Arithmetic Circuits

We introduce symmetric arithmetic circuits, i.e. arithmetic circuits with a natural symmetry restriction. In the context of circuits computing polynomials defined on a matrix of variables, such as the determinant or the permanent, the restriction …

Symmetric Circuits and Model-Theoretic Logics

The question of whether there is a logic that characterises polynomial-time is arguably the most important open question in finite model theory. The study of extensions of fixed-point logic are of central importance to this question. It was shown by …

Symmetric Circuits for Rank Logic

Fixed-point logic with rank (FPR) is an extension of fixed-point logic with counting (FPC) with operators for computing the rank of a matrix over a finite field. The expressive power of FPR properly extends that of FPC and is contained in PTime, but …

Symmetric Circuits for Rank Logic

Fixed-point logic with rank (FPR) is an extension of fixed-point logic with counting (FPC) with operators for computing the rank of a matrix over a finite field. The expressive power of FPR properly extends that of FPC and is contained in P, but it …